conservation for schools education program taita taveta

Taita Taveta, Kenya, July 21, 2023 – TTWCA conducted its third Conservation Education session at Kambito Primary School in Mbololo Ward, following successful sessions held at Makwasinyi a nd Gideon-MosiPrimary Schools in April and June, respectively.

Kambito Primary School, along with six other primary schools in Kasigau, Maungu, Sagala, Bura and Chawia wards, are part of the education programme.

The selection of these specific wards is crucial due to the significant role their communities play in the conservation efforts in the Tsavo Conservation Area.

The education programme is designed by TTWCA for young learners at different stages in primary school, starting from Grade 3.

It is part of the Sustainable Management of Amboseli and Tsavo Landscapes Project funded by USAID-Kenya and implemented in partnership with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (ifaw).

The conservation education programme aims at fostering an interest in conservation and sense of environmental responsibility in the young minds.

The pupils also tackled the challenges faced by wildlife today, including the harmful impact of poaching, charcoal burning and human-wildlife conflict, which threatens the survival of a number of species. 

As we look back at the smiling faces of the young conservationists in the making, we are filled with hope for a brighter and greener future as more and more pupils are equipped with the capacity to take an active role in the protection and sustenance of their natural heritage.

ttwca kenya-school programme - 2023