Our seventh edition of the TTWCA Bulletin is out! The issue captured the monumental moments of the second half of 2024, crowned by the launch of the TTWCA Strategic Plan 2024–2028: a roadmap that builds on TTWCA’s journey over the past...
TTWCA Launches Five-year Plan
TTWCA crowned the final quarter of 2024 with the launch of its 2024–2028 Strategic Plan, which will set the course for the association over the next five years.During the launch, TTWCA CEO Alfred Mwanake underscored the association's dedi...
Highlights from Taita Taveta Conservancies: June 2024
Taita Taveta, Kenya, July 18, 2024 – TTWCA has published its latest bulletin. The sixth edition of the TTWCA Bulletin captures snippets of our highlights from the first half of 2024. This project has imparted us with the necessary s...
Taita Taveta, Kenya, August 1, 2022 – Taita Taveta Wildlife Conservancies Association (TTWCA) wishes to announce the appointment of Alfred Mwanake as the new Chief Executive Officer following the approval of the association's Board.Mwana...